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With a new building, the Cantonal Hospital Baden (KSB), which opened in 1978, is to remain viable in the long term as a central hospital location. The new KSB is being built in the immediate vicinity of the current main wing, which will be completely dismantled after it is put into operation. With eight stories, the cantilever new building is only half as high as the old building. Daylight is directed into the depths of the building via eleven inner courtyards. The main entrance is constructed via a story-high cantilever with a space to accommodate a tree. The architectural and operational qualities of the 2015 competition project led to an appeal-recourse-free building permit in a record three years. The demanding building geometry, the project size with a correspondingly high number of participants and interfaces, the tight time frame and the complex commissioning and qualification processes of a hospital building, also placed the highest demands on the building construction management – or in other words: only the royal road leads to the royal “Agnes of Hungary”.

Project goal

Sustainable new hospital building


Cantonal Hospital Baden


Nickl + Partner Architects, Zurich

Performance Period


Building Construction Contract Amount

CHF 545.00 million

Areas of Responsibility

Overall management, cost and schedule planning, tendering, building construction management (until handover to general planning)

Responsible Partner

Robert Hormes

Project management

Xhevdet Mahmutaj